Blood Typing (BT)
A. NECTOUX (DV, Dip. internat. AC VetAgro Sup) – I. GOY-THOLLO PratiqueVet (2018) 53 : 318-320 Click to download : Transfusion in cats (Article written in french)...
Blood Typing (BT)
A. NECTOUX (DV, Dip. internat. AC VetAgro Sup) – I. GOY-THOLLO PratiqueVet (2018) 53 : 262-265 Click to download : Blood collection in cats (Article written in French)...
Scientific publications
Urs Giger (Moderator), Philadelphia, PA; Beth Davidow, Seattle, WA; Anne S. Hale, Stockbridge, MI, Justine Lee, Urbana, IL; and others. Transfusion therapy refers to the safe and effective replacement of blood or one of its components offering support for many...
Scientific publications
Urs Giger, PD Dr. med. vet. Dipl. ACVIM & ECVIM-CA, Dipl. ECVCP Transfusion Center and Penn Animal Blood Bank, Section of Medical Genetics School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 Transfusion support is also critical...
Scientific publications
Elizabeth Rozanski, DVM, DACVECC, DACVIM (SA-IM) Tufts University, North Grafton, MA The platelet has recently undergone an expansion of interest, as understanding of their role in hemostasis, inflammation and healing is being further elucidated. Platelets are...